Choosing Between Shingle and Metal Roofs

If you’re in the market for a new roof, it’s helpful to know whether to choose a shingle or metal option. Roofers will typically install both, but there are pros and cons to each kind of roof system.

Asphalt shingle roofs were once very popular because they are reliable and easy to maintain, whilst being cost-effective. They are still a top choice for that more traditional look, and they tend to be easy to install.

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There are also now architectural styles that look very fresh and modern.

On the other hand, sales of metal roofing have been growing in recent years, especially for more modern homes. Metal roofing is durable, attractive, easy to maintain and install, and again, it tends to be cost-effective. It can look great and provide an architectural edge to your property. It also comes in a wide range of designs.

Professional roofers can advise on the best type of roofing for your home. Although the prices have typically risen in recent years, they do reflect innovations in the materials which means that these systems can now last for 25-50 years, depending on what you choose. Your roofer can assess your home and needs and make the best recommendation.

Sales of metal roofing have been growing in recent years