
How to Ease Your Transition Back to Onsite Work

It’s been more than a year since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and almost every industry has fully embraced remote work. Employees are learning to balance their work and personal lives, allowing them to enjoy the comforts of their home while they work.

As more people get vaccinated, many employers encourage their workers to return to the office, which earned a mixture of reactions from the workforce. Some feel excited about working in an actual workspace, while others still prefer the benefits of working from home.

But those who look forward to going back to their office spaces feel worried about how they can transition back into the office and make the adjustments easier for the family. Those who have kids and seniors at home have to make sure they are properly cared for while they are at work. They address this by seeking child care services or in-home health aide services.

Transitioning back to the office will be overwhelming and challenging for most of us. Still, you can use the remaining time to ease yourself into your office role and adapt to your new environment much easier. With that in mind, here are ways to help you transition from remote to onsite work.

Create a family communication plan

Before your first day back in the office, you have to stay prepared for any changes you’ll encounter. These include your regular work-from-home routines, food preparations, child care, pet care, and homeschooling, among others. There will be plenty of things you need to do ahead of time to get ready as your first day comes closer.

Establish a communication plan with family members so everyone can stay in touch wherever you are. But you should remind them about your working hours, break time, meetings, and the appropriate contact method. Let them know it will take you a few or several minutes to respond since there will be times you’ll be busy.

For instance, remind them to call you during emergencies. Give your contact number at work to your kids and their teacher. If your child ends up sick at school, they can give you a call to pick them up. Having a communication plan for the family will give you peace of mind since you can always reach out to them for updates or if something comes up. It will also give more security when switching to longer workweeks.

Look at the brighter side


Today, more employees are opting to resign from their jobs if their employers refuse to let them work at home. While it all comes down to personal choice, the idea of on-site work comes with unique benefits as well.

When you started working at home, do you remember the days when you wished you were working in the office instead? How easy is it to move away from your work table and chat with your colleagues for a quick work break? Do you miss those quiet times in your cubicle when you can easily finish your tasks without any distractions? Thinking of these office perks will give you feelings of anticipation now that you can work at peace.

Every onsite work has its benefits, so make sure to focus on them. Office work provides better communication lines with your coworkers and manager. There’s no need to wait for replies since you can easily drop by at their table if you need something from them.

Despite the available communication tools of remote work, there will still be difficulties when it comes to nonverbal communication, such as body language and tone of voice. Working in the office allows you to use a variety of communication skills.

Not only that, but you also have more opportunities for training courses, onsite seminars, and professional development workshops. No more grueling hours of Zoom webinars!

Practice self-care

Nothing will ever go wrong with a little bit of self-care. Taking care of your health and well-being can go a long way in helping you cope with stress and the series of changes that will come your way.

Start following your regular workday routine a few weeks before your first day at onsite work for a smoother transition. These include relaxation time, regular sleep time, timely meals, and consistent physical activity. Don’t forget to devote regular work breaks to allow yourself to rejuvenate and destress.

Transitioning back to the office won’t be easy since most employees will lose some of the privileges of working from home. But remember, most of its benefits, such as comfort, routine, and autonomy, are certainly transferrable. Although the adjustments may seem daunting, having more patience will help you find satisfaction and success.