DIY Painting Your Car for a Personal Kick in Style

As thrilling it might be to paint your car, picking out the right car pain can sometimes make it daunting, especially for indecisive owners. Moreover, painting a room in your home is quite different from doing it to your car. While the former only requires paint rollers and a can of paint, auto paint jobs begin with a complex process that requires a skill. That’s why getting a new paint job is quite the money eater. And while you can paint it yourself, it’s still best to hire a professional if you want to add exquisite car details.


Once you have the supplies you need, it’s time to move on to where you will work. It’s essential to maintain your workstation clean, primarily if you work inside a garage or a shed, best keep your floor clean with plenty of space to work so you won’t have to hassle yourself in kicking away obstacles later.

If you prefer to work outside, clean the area with a running hose to allow the dust to settle. Also, try not to paint beneath trees or anything else due to the risk of contaminants dropping on new paint that will ruin the finale. After, remember to wash the car to remove any surface pollutants such as grease, grime, and dirt.


With a clean work area and a table filled with all the painting supplies, you’re prepared to start. You can begin by circular sanding the vehicle, then move on by removing the coats: clear, top, and base. You can make things easier by using a sander. However, the corners and crevices are only accessible through handwork.

For a successful finish, sand the whole vehicle back to its bare metal to give the new prime coat a new smooth and clean surface to stick on. If you’re working with the only minimal time given, then do what you can to even out the surface and make it smooth as possible.


You can mask the areas you prefer not painting, then mix the thinners and primers. Remember to check the instructions first to know the appropriate ratio. Also, before you start to paint, it’s best to give yourself a head-up first by practicing. One ideal way is visiting the junkyard and choosing a cheap and used car panel or a steel piece if you’re uncomfortable with a door. Hold the spare gun at least half an inch away from the steel or panel and spray paint with a side-to-side sweeping gesture. Move the spray gun first before pressing the trigger.

spray painting car

Picking out the Car Paint Type

Other than making the difficult choice of picking a color, you’ll also be choosing which type of car paint will best suit your preferences. Below are some suggestions.

  1. Urethane

Manufacturers label urethane as the most durable and long-lasting. It can withstand fading and chipping for ten or more years, and you can also easily paint over it, letting you avoid the hassle of removing and scraping your car’s previous paint. Urethane also has a quick-drying and a no-run feature that enamel paints don’t. However, because of its quality, it can be more costly than other paint types.

You can also use urethane as an alternative to lacquer. Remember that you can’t paint lacquer on urethane, so you’ll have no choice but to stick to the latter altogether.

  1. Acrylic and Enamel

Acrylic enamel also lasts about as long as the vehicle paint mentioned above since it forms a solid shell over the car body. Enamel paints come in two primary varieties:

  • Using single-stage paints saves time because it’s already a mix of the basecoat and the clear coat.
  • Two-Stage enamel paint, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. Because the basecoat and clearcoat are different, you’ll have to repaint the automobile twice.
  1. Acrylic Lacquer

For a short period, lacquer was the sole automobile paint option. A benefit of acrylic paint is that it’s easy to use and has a high gloss finish. When exposed to UV light, one of the disadvantages of this paint is that it fades fast. Acrylic lacquer has also been prohibited in some places because of the harm it does to the environment.

  1. Acrylic Urethane

When it comes to automobile repainting, acrylic urethane is a potential alternative to traditional paints. It combines both the advantages of lacquer and enamel in that it is long-lasting and easy to apply. The only complication with acrylic urethane is the catalyst, which permits it to dry quickly. As a result, you have to use it right after mixing it.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of how much you want your automobile to appear impressive, it’s still a significant financial commitment. However, painting your car by yourself for cost-effectiveness is also a brilliant idea. Once you have your preferences in mind, your vehicle will look dazzling in all its glory.