group exercise

Outdoor Group Exercise and Other Post-lockdown Fitness Trends

As gyms reopen in many cities, the way we work out is likely to change. During the lockdown, our backyard or living room had to double as home gyms. But now that more local parks and gyms are planning to reopen, we will have the opportunity to utilize more equipment and be part of group exercises.

For the rest of 2020 and beyond, the fitness industry predicts that the following will be the biggest trends:

Blended home and gym workouts

With many companies continue to let their employees work remotely, the trend of home workouts will likely stay. Initially, home workouts were integrated into quarantine life due to a lack of other options. But many people have realized that exercising at home is beneficial and can be a part of the “new normal.”

Of course, not everyone has the equipment they need and want at home. Trainers predict that people who are used to working out at home may mix things up by hitting their local gyms occasionally.

Outdoor group exercise sessions

Many people are still reluctant to go to the gym yet want the interaction and benefits of an in-person workout. For this group, outdoor group exercise classes will likely be the go-to option. With physical distancing, these sessions will thrive until people get more comfortable working out in confined spaces.

Outdoor classes can also breathe a new life into parks, hotels, and other commercial establishments with open spaces. They should bring out their commercial lawn mowers and start transforming their green spaces into something conducive to a group of people working out while social distancing.

Tech-driven workouts

group exercise

The global pandemic of 2020 has solidified the need for online exercise classes and fitness apps. People go online to learn workout routines, from cardio training to hip hop dance moves and yoga poses. This trend will likely stay popular as more people appreciate the convenience of tech in fitness.

With tech-driven workouts, you can adjust the playback speed of exercise videos to get a slow-mo view of some techniques. You can also easily pause and rewind the video or application as often as you need without feeling guilty about holding up the rest of the exercise class. With that level of convenience, tech-driven workouts will still be popular whether people choose to exercise at home or in a gym or local park.

Functional training

Some people are motivated to work out to display their results on Instagram or the beach, while others stay fit to make their bodies more agile and powerful not only in the gym but also in their daily lives. As such, functional training becomes popular. It focuses on training your muscles to work together for daily tasks by simulating the usual movements you do at home or in the office. It also emphasizes core stability.

Another thing that makes functional fitness exercises popular is the changing mindset of people. Many people no longer exercise for merely aesthetic purposes—they do it to be healthier and stronger. In a way, functional fitness exercises help people gain peace of mind that their bodies can deal with viruses or other health threats. Trainers predict more structured classes focusing on functional fitness exercises both online and in gyms.

Some people are still reluctant to go out. Others are ready to get back to the structured environment of gyms and group classes, where there are accountability and a sense of community. With these fitness trends, both groups of people have a chance to work out and stay fit as they live through a pandemic.