eating disorder

Coping with an Eating Disorder: 3 Ways to Get Your Mental Health Back on Track

For people who live with an eating disorder, the road to recovery is often fraught with challenges and difficulties. For starters, they have to first admit that they have a problem. If they can’t do that, then treatment can’t progress. Eating disorders are mostly psychological in nature, which is why it can be tough to break old habits.

Thankfully, with patience and perseverance, even hardwired habits can be unlearned. You may be sick now, but you can get better. However, it’s not enough to quit negative eating behaviors. A comprehensive binge-eating disorder treatment plan can help with the physical symptoms, but you also need coping strategies to help restore your mental wellness.

This may seem a lot to take on, but you will be surrounded by people who care for you and want you to get better. All you have to do is to ask for guidance from experts. Only then can you start the long road to recovery.

1. Embrace positive thinking

Your body follows your mind, so how you perceive yourself can have a powerful effect on how you physically feel. If our mind is filled with negative thoughts and energy, it could affect our perception of our body, and we’re going to fixate on things that confirm these preconceived notions.

Positive thinking helps you break the cycle of negativity that many of us live with. By framing our thoughts in a positive manner, you get to focus on the things that empower you. You also get to keep your insecurities from fueling your anxieties further. Start by saying statements that make you feel good and worthy.

2. Keep a gratitude journal


Negative thinking often hones in on our fears, anxieties, and shortcomings. We often feel that we’re not good enough and that we don’t deserve good things in life, which affects our self-worth. Harmful behaviors feed on negative energy, and if you want to overcome that, you need to slowly unlearn your destructive ways of thinking.

Psychologists say that gratitude helps improve our physical and mental health. You can harness the power of gratitude by maintaining a journal or writing down a list every day. While thinking about all the things you’re thankful can be helpful, you also need to internalize it to maximize the benefits.

3. Engage in physical activity

Every time we engage in physical activity such as cycling or dancing, our body releases chemicals that help boost our mood and relieve stress. That’s why many wellness experts recommend exercise to ward off depression and stress. You don’t have to start with intense workouts right away. Look for ways to inject simple activities into your days, such as a short walk with your dog or gardening.

Eventually, you’ll want to work your way up to exercises that build your strength and stamina. 30 minutes of exercise a day can do wonders for your mental and physical well being, and make sure to do it outdoors so you can reap the benefits of fresh air and sunshine.

It’s never too late to restore your mental well being. Treatment can certainly help with an eating disorder, but you already possess some of the tools that can booth your emotional health. You just need to find the right strategies to unlock your potential.