
Maintenance Methods from Hospitals You Should Try at Home

Now that we’re facing a global pandemic. We understand how important it is for us to have personal hygiene and to keep ourselves clean at all times. That means keeping yourself clean, even indoors or while at home. We’re told by the government and by scientists that the best way to keep ourselves safe from COVID-19 is to stay at home. Although this is true, this doesn’t mean that the virus can’t make its way into our homes. Sometimes we can’t avoid going out, especially if we have to leave our homes for work or to do the groceries. If we aren’t careful, we may bring the virus to our homes. So how can we keep our homes virus-free if we can’t avoid leaving the house? Here are some cleaning methods hospitals use that you can practice in your homes too.

1. Change the bed sheets regularly.

Hospitals will change their bed sheets regularly, and so should you. Few people know that it isn’t okay to leave their bedsheets unwashed for as long as one month. In case you didn’t know, every time you get into bed, you contaminate it. You contaminate it with sweat, hair, and whatever dirt you’ve picked up throughout the day. Now that there’s a pandemic going on, you not only risk contaminating it with dirt but with the virus too. And even if you do take a shower before getting into bed. You still leave over 50 million dead skin cells on your bed every single day.

Experts suggest washing your bed sheets and pillowcases at least once a week. If you get night sweats, have acne or oily skin, or don’t shower before bed. You should wash your bed sheets and pillowcases more frequently if you leave your home or are an essential worker. Washing and changing your sheets twice a week is safer.

2. Having a good HVAC system

Ever wondered why hospitals are so cold? That’s because bacteria thrive in warm temperatures. To slow the growth of bacteria, they keep the hospital temperature cold. Suppose you want to regulate the temperature in your house better and save money, too. It would help if you got a smart thermostat. It can be difficult to install yourself. But there are many smart thermostat installation services available.

Having a clean HVAC system is also particularly important because it’s in charge of filtering the air in your homes. Install a HEPA filter in your vents to help your HVAC system filter your air better. Doing so will ensure that dust, bacteria, pollen, and viruses don’t spread inside your homes.

3. No-touch cleaning systems

No-touch cleaning systems are exactly what they sound like. They allow you to avoid touching soiled surfaces when you’re cleaning. Hospitals use no-touch cleaning systems instead of the usual spray and wipe technique. This is great for stopping bacteria from spreading through rags and mops. Rags and mops can be a breeding ground for bacteria and cause cross-contamination. It’s better to use something disposal or use a no-touch cleaning system.

4. Schedule your cleaning or have a cleaning routine


Cleaning isn’t something that you do when you feel like it. It’s something you do regularly and should even have a routine schedule. Every hospital has a strict routine cleaning schedule they follow. That’s something most households should have as well. Lucky for you, we’ve already made a list of cleaning you should do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly:


  • Make your bed in the morning.
  • Sweep the kitchen floor
  • Wash dirty dishes and utensils
  • Wipe your kitchen counter, sink, and dining table with water and soap, then spray with disinfectant
  • Wipe down the bathroom counter, sink, and other surfaces with water and soap, then spray with disinfectant. Make sure to use a different rag for the kitchen and the bathroom.


  • Mop kitchen and bathroom floor
  • Scrub bathtub or shower surface
  • Clean mirrors
  • Dust every surface
  • Vacuum everywhere
  • Change your bedsheets and pillowcases.
  • Wipe down kitchen appliances and inside of the microwave.


  • Clean vents and air ducts.
  • Clean dishwasher, laundry machine, and vacuum.

Every Six Months

  • Clean the refrigerator, oven, drain, and garbage disposal.
  • Wash pillows and vacuum mattresses.
  • Wash the car.


  • Deep clean your furniture, carpets, drapes, curtains, and upholstery.
  • Clean your gutters.

It is a hospital’s job to keep themselves clean, protect people from getting sicker, and prevent viruses from spreading. But frankly, that should be everyone’s job these days. We all have a responsibility to keep ourselves healthy, to keep others healthy. We can do so by practicing personal hygiene and always keeping our homes clean.