family trip

Family Road Trip: Tips for Planning this Awesome Bonding Time

Any devoted family man knows the importance of quality time with his wife and kids. Some choose to spend their bonding time privately at home. But for those with a more adventurous lifestyle, going on a family road trip is the better way to go. If you and your wife typically have busy schedules, this trip is an awesome way to forget about work and other responsibilities. It gives you the rest you need away from your daily stressors.

Beyond that, a road trip allows your family to create positive memories that you’ll all cherish for a long time. It also helps you experience something new, from ways of life to culture. At the same time, these experiences can help your kids explore and develop their own interests.

Lastly, it’s a fun way for you and your family to bond and strengthen that relationship too. Sounds awesome? Here are some useful tips to help you plan a successful family road trip.

1. Prepare your car

First off, you need to get the car ready, which is obviously the major thing you’ll need to make the road trip happen. Most car owners choose to bring their vehicles to auto shops for a proper maintenance check. Or, if you can do it yourself if you have the skills and knowledge about checking and fixing a car. Some of the things that must be inspected are the tire tread, alignment and balance of tires, car fluids, signals and lights, and the battery. It’s also recommended to have a professional tune-up at least once a year.

When you visit an auto shop for a tune-up, you can also consider getting a paint job. Look for the one that uses an automotive spray paint booth, which is designed to provide an eco-friendly, accurate, and fast process. These booths maintain low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that make the paint job safer for your family and the environment. A new paint job isn’t only beneficial for improving your car’s aesthetics and making it look newer. It also protects your car from scratches and road debris, as well as harsh UV rays.

2. Organize easy-to-grab bags

kids and bags

Having activity bags for each of your kids can help you keep things organized and save you from hassle. Involve your children in the travel preparation process and let them pick educational items to put in their bags. Don’t include toys in the choices. Instead, encourage them to choose their favorite coloring supplies, workbooks, or other trinkets. You’d also need to consider the age of your kids to better plan the activities based on their interests and abilities.

You can also include maps and highlighters on their bags, so they can mark the route of the trip going through different destinations and landmarks. Besides activity bags, it’s also best to have a parent essential bag. It should contain extra water and food, trash bags, wipes, blankets, and a first aid kit. If you have younger kids, bring an extra set of diapers, underwear, and clothes.

3. Pack plenty of snacks

Snacks are essential to any family road trip. Yes, it could be a messy drive, especially if you have little kids with you. However, this is a great way to prevent unnecessary food spending while you’re on the road. To keep things a bit cleaner and organize, bring cups that everyone can use when passing out messy snacks like crackers or pretzels. Bringing your favorite snacks or treats can make the trip less of a hassle as you won’t have to stop at every store whenever you get hungry. Fewer stops mean you can reach your destination fast or on schedule.

4. Book early

Unless you’re planning to spend the night on the road, booking accommodations or reservations ahead is advisable. If you’re looking to visit national parks, make the reservations weeks before the trip as most historic lodges can run out fast. Doing so will also help you better schedule your entire itinerary considering the availability of your accommodation.

If you’re thinking about camping, search for sites on the way that you can stop. Going on a road trip might lead you to hotel vacancies, but booking at least a week ahead can save you from the hassle and expensive accommodations.

Organizing a family road trip may seem exhausting, but it surely is worthwhile. This adventure can help you create lifetime memories, bring your family closer together, and allow your kids to discover new things. Make it a fun and memorable experience for everyone by following the tips in this guide!